Soong Der Chen
Soong Der Chen
Associate Professor of IT, Universiti Tenaga Nasional
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uniten.edu.my
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Minimum mean brightness error bi-histogram equalization in contrast enhancement
SD Chen, AR Ramli
IEEE transactions on Consumer Electronics 49 (4), 1310-1319, 2003
Contrast enhancement using recursive mean-separate histogram equalization for scalable brightness preservation
SD Chen, AR Ramli
IEEE Transactions on consumer Electronics 49 (4), 1301-1309, 2003
Comparison of image quality assessment: PSNR, HVS, SSIM, UIQI
Y Al-Najjar, D Chen
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3 (8), 1-5, 2012
Preserving brightness in histogram equalization based contrast enhancement techniques
SD Chen, AR Ramli
Digital Signal Processing 14 (5), 413-428, 2004
A new image quality measure for assessment of histogram equalization-based contrast enhancement techniques
C Soong-Der
Digital Signal Processing, 2012
Naive Bayes‐Guided Bat Algorithm for Feature Selection
AM Taha, A Mustapha, SD Chen
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 325973, 2013
A review and taxonomy of image denoising techniques
RS Jebur, CS Der, DA Hammood
2020 6th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM), 1-6, 2020
Systematic review of enhancement of artificial bee colony algorithm using ant colony pheromone
AH Alaidi, CS Der, YW Leong
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 15 (16), 173, 2021
Improve of contrast-distorted image quality assessment based on convolutional neural networks.
IT Ahmed, CS Der, N Jamil, MA Mohamed
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 9 (6), 2019
Bat Algorithm Based Hybrid Filter‐Wrapper Approach
AM Taha, SD Chen, A Mustapha
Advances in Operations Research 2015 (1), 961494, 2015
Red blood cell recognition using geometrical features
J Ali, AR Ahmad, LE George, CS Der, S Aziz
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 10 (1), 90, 2013
GUI vs. TUI: engagement for children with no prior computing experience
LK Cheng, CS Der, MS Sidhu, R Omar
Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 3 (1), 2011
Multi-swarm bat algorithm
AM Taha, SD Chen, A Mustapha
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10 (12 …, 2015
Natural extensions: bat algorithm with memory
AM Taha, SD Chen, A Mustapha
Asian Research Publishing Network, 2015
A survey of recent approaches on no-reference image quality assessment with multiscale geometric analysis transforms
IT Ahmed, CS Der, BT Hammad
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 7 (12), 1146-1156, 2016
Re-evaluation of automatic global histogram equalization-based contrast enhancement methods
CS Der, M Singh
Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 1 (1), 2009
Small-scale deep network for dct-based images classification
B Borhanuddin, N Jamil, SD Chen, MZ Baharuddin, KSZ Tan, TWM Ooi
2019 4th international conference and workshops on recent advances and …, 2019
Analysis of probability density functions in existing no-reference image quality assessment algorithm for contrast-distorted images
IT Ahmed, CS Der, N Jamil, BT Hammad
2019 IEEE 10th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 133-137, 2019
Recent approaches on no-reference image quality assessment for contrast distortion images with multiscale geometric analysis transforms: A survey
IT Ahmed, CS Der, BT Hammad
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2017
Enhancement of Edge-based Image Quality Measures Using Entropy for Histogram Equalization-based Contrast Enhancement Techniques
HTR Kurmasha, A Alharan, C Der, N Azami, A Alharan
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 7 (6), 2277-2281, 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20