Umar Aditiawarman
Umar Aditiawarman
Nusa Putra University
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G2C adoption of e-government in Malaysia: Trust, perceived risk and political self-efficacy
R Hussein, N Mohamed, AR Ahlan, M Mahmud, U Aditiawarman
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 6 (3), 57-72, 2010
An integrated model on online tax adoption in Malaysia
R Hussein, N Mohamed, AR Ahlan, M Mahmud, U Aditiawarman
European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern conference on information systems 3 …, 2010
E-learning acceptance in a developing country: a case of the Indonesian Open University
R Hussein, U Aditiawarman, N Mohamed
German e-Science conference, 2007
Examining information disclosure behavior on social network sites using protection motivation theory, trust and risk
N Salleh, R Hussein, N Mohamed, NSA Karim, AR Ahlan, U Aditiawarman
Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 2012, 1, 2012
An empirical study of the factors influencing information disclosure behaviour in social networking sites
N Salleh, R Hussein, N Mohamed, U Aditiawarman
2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and …, 2013
Combination RSA with one time pad for enhanced scheme of two-factor authentication
Z Alamsyah, T Mantoro, U Adityawarman, MA Ayu
2020 6th international conference on computing engineering and design (ICCED …, 2020
Information disclosure behaviour in social media among Malaysian youth: the impact of privacy concern, risk and trust
N Salleh, R Hussein, U Aditiawarman
Twitter scrapping for profiling education staff
H Herlawati, RT Handayanto, I Ekawati, KI Meutia, J Asian, ...
2020 Fifth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-6, 2020
Voter information management system (Sipendalih) effectiveness for 2014 Indonesian general election: Case of Indonesian voters in Malaysia
U Aditiawarman, N Hakiem, HAQ Maarif, MQ Huda
2014 International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 5-8, 2014
Technology Enabled Transformation of the Public Sector: Advances in E-Government: Advances in E-Government
V Weerakkody
IGI Global, 2012
Modeling G2C adoption in developing country: a case study of Malaysia
R Hussein, N Mohamed, AR Ahlan, M Mahmud, U Aditiawarman
Factors influencing online learning acceptance in Indonesian open learning university-Universitas Terbuka (UT)
U Aditiawarman
Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic …, 2007
Kajian Tentang Bencana Dan Dampak Gempa Bumi di Cianjur Bersama Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil Nusaputra
D Purwanto, DD Permadi, US Saputri, U Aditiawarman, DOD Handayani, ...
Jurnal Abdi Nusa 3 (1), 36-39, 2023
Optimizing the Performance of UAV-Based Searching Missing Persons Process Using Deep Learning
H Javed, T Mantoro, U Aditiawarman
2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design …, 2022
Factors influencing e-learning acceptance: A case study of Indonesian open learning university
U Aditiwarman, R Hussein
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2007
Toward task scheduling approaches to reduce energy consumption in cloud computing environment
DA Dewi, T Mantoro, U Aditiawarman, J Asian
Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment, Volume 3, 41-58, 2022
Fingerprint Encryption for Biometrics Security using XOR Logic
IL Kharisma, DOD Handayanil, U Aditiawarman, HAQ Maarif
2020 6th International Conference on Computing Engineering and Design (ICCED …, 2020
Social Network Analysis: Identification of Communication and Information Dissemination (Case Study of Holywings)
U Aditiawarman, M Lumbia, T Mantoro, AA Ibrahim
Jurnal Online Informatika 8 (1), 19-26, 2023
Mobile based development of a voter information management system (sipendalih) for the 2014 Indonesian presidential election: Case of Indonesian voters in Malaysia
N Hakiem, A Mutholib, U Aditiawarman
The 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2014
Moving toward e-business: customer relationship management alignment in Malaysian small business
N Mohamed, M Mahmud, AR Ahlan, R Hussein, NSA Karim, ...
International Journal of Ebusiness and Egovernment Studies 6 (2), 1-10, 2013
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Articles 1–20