Jason Schiffman
Jason Schiffman
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From womb to neighborhood: a racial analysis of social determinants of psychosis in the United States
DM Anglin, S Ereshefsky, MJ Klaunig, MA Bridgwater, TA Niendam, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 178 (7), 599-610, 2021
Effects of alcohol, expectancies, and partner type on condom use in college males: Event‐level analyses
J LaBrie, M Earleywine, J Schiffman, E Pedersen, C Marriot
Journal of Sex Research 42 (3), 259-266, 2005
Childhood videotaped social and neuromotor precursors of schizophrenia: a prospective investigation
J Schiffman, E Walker, M Ekstrom, F Schulsinger, H Sorensen, S Mednick
American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (11), 2021-2027, 2004
Minor physical anomalies, dermatoglyphic asymmetries, and cortisol levels in adolescents with schizotypal personality disorder
DD Weinstein, D Diforio, J Schiffman, E Walker, R Bonsall
American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (4), 617-623, 1999
Performance of alcohol and safer sex change rulers compared with readiness to change questionnaires.
JW LaBrie, T Quinlan, JE Schiffman, ME Earleywine
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19 (1), 112, 2005
Psychosis risk screening: A systematic review
E Kline, J Schiffman
Schizophrenia research 158 (1-3), 11-18, 2014
Early developmental milestones and risk of schizophrenia: a 45-year follow-up of the Copenhagen Perinatal Cohort
HJ Sørensen, EL Mortensen, J Schiffman, JM Reinisch, J Maeda, ...
Schizophrenia research 118 (1-3), 41-47, 2010
Convergent and discriminant validity of attenuated psychosis screening tools
E Kline, C Wilson, S Ereshefsky, T Tsuji, J Schiffman, S Pitts, G Reeves
Schizophrenia research 134 (1), 49-53, 2012
Psychosis risk screening in youth: a validation study of three self-report measures of attenuated psychosis symptoms
E Kline, C Wilson, S Ereshefsky, D Denenny, E Thompson, SC Pitts, ...
Schizophrenia research 141 (1), 72-77, 2012
Minor physical anomalies and schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a prospective investigation
J Schiffman, M Ekstrom, J LaBrie, F Schulsinger, H Sorensen, S Mednick
American Journal of Psychiatry 159 (2), 238-243, 2002
Psychometric properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for children in a large clinical sample
SL Pestle, BF Chorpita, J Schiffman
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 37 (2), 465-471, 2008
Symptoms of schizotypy precede cannabis use
J Schiffman, B Nakamura, M Earleywine, J LaBrie
Psychiatry research 134 (1), 37-42, 2005
Evidence-based early interventions for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: a review of treatment components
E Thompson, ZB Millman, N Okuzawa, V Mittal, J DeVylder, T Skadberg, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 203 (5), 342-351, 2015
Perspective-taking deficits in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a prospective investigation
J Schiffman, CW Lam, T Jiwatram, M Ekstrom, H Sorensen, S Mednick
Psychological medicine 34 (8), 1581-1586, 2004
Association of structural magnetic resonance imaging measures with psychosis onset in individuals at clinical high risk for developing psychosis: an ENIGMA working group mega …
M Jalbrzikowski, RA Hayes, SJ Wood, D Nordholm, JH Zhou, P Fusar-Poli, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (7), 753-766, 2021
Burdens and difficulties experienced by caregivers of children and adolescents with schizophrenia‐spectrum disorders: A qualitative study
J Knock, E Kline, J Schiffman, A Maynard, G Reeves
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 5 (4), 349-354, 2011
Childhood motor coordination and adult schizophrenia spectrum disorders
J Schiffman, HJ Sorensen, J Maeda, EL Mortensen, J Victoroff, K Hayashi, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 166 (9), 1041-1047, 2009
Perception of parent–child relationships in high-risk families, and adult schizophrenia outcome of offspring
J Schiffman, J LaBrie, J Carter, T Cannon, F Schulsinger, J Parnas, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 36 (1), 41-47, 2002
Expectancies specific to condom use mediate the alcohol and sexual risk relationship
JW LaBrie, J Schiffman, M Earleywine
Journal of Sex Research 39 (2), 145-152, 2002
Subthreshold psychotic symptom distress, self-stigma, and peer social support among college students with mental health concerns.
D Denenny, E Thompson, SC Pitts, LB Dixon, J Schiffman
Psychiatric rehabilitation journal 38 (2), 164, 2015
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Articles 1–20