Muhammad Umar Chaudhry
Muhammad Umar Chaudhry
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea; Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
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Cited by
Blockchain and Internet of Things in Smart Cities and Drug Supply Management: Open Issues, Opportunities, and Future Directions
H Malik, T Anees, M Faheem, MU Chaudhry, A Ali, MN Asghar
Internet of Things, 100860, 2023
A Novel Fusion Model of Hand-Crafted Features with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Several Chest Diseases using X-ray Images
H Malik, T Anees, MU Chaudhry, R Gono, M Jasiński, Z Leonowicz, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
Feature selection for high dimensional data using Monte Carlo tree search
MU Chaudhry, JH Lee
IEEE Access 6, 76036-76048, 2018
A Fractional Order Controller for Sensorless Speed Control of an Induction Motor
T Nosheen, A Ali, MU Chaudhry, D Nazarenko, IH Shaikh, V Bolshev, ...
Energies 16 (4), 1901, 2023
MOTiFS: Monte carlo tree search based feature selection
MU Chaudhry, JH Lee
Entropy 20 (5), 385, 2018
Cyberattacks Detection in IoMT using Machine Learning Techniques
H Tauqeer, MM Iqbal, A Ali, S Zaman, MU Chaudhry
Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics 4 (01), 13-20, 2022
Smart Classroom Monitoring Using Novel Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition System
S Fakhar, J Baber, SU Bazai, S Marjan, M Jasinski, E Jasinska, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (23), 12134, 2022
A review of ARM processor architecture history, progress and applications
MN Asghar
Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences 10 (2), pp 171-179, 2020
Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Production of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Pollutants Using Satellite Imagery: A Case Study of South Asia
F Hassan, MU Chaudhry, M Yasir, MN Asghar, SA Sarkodie
Sustainability 13 (13), 7184, 2021
TRICE: Mining Frequent Itemsets by Iterative TRimmed Transaction LattICE in Sparse Big Data
M Yasir, MA Habib, M Ashraf, S Sarwar, MU Chaudhry, H Shahwani, ...
IEEE Access 7, 181688-181705, 2019
Induction Machine-Based EV Vector Control Model Using Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Controller
H Salahuddin, K Imdad, MU Chaudhry, D Nazarenko, V Bolshev, M Yasir
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4647, 2022
D-GENE: Deferring the GENEration of Power Sets for Discovering Frequent Itemsets in Sparse Big Data
M Yasir, MA Habib, M Ashraf, S Sarwar, MU Chaudhry, H Shahwani, ...
IEEE Access 8, 27375-27392, 2020
Next-Wave of E-commerce: Mobile Customers Churn Prediction using Machine Learning
A Yaseen
Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and …, 2021
Enhancing Crop Production and Water Conservation through IoT-Based Smart Irrigation Systems
D Rehman, MA Jamil, HMS Badar, MDA Awan, MU Chaudhry, NI Kajla
Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics 5 (01), 96-104, 2023
A Novel Parts of Speech (POS) Tagset for morphological, syntactic and lexical annotations of Saraiki language
MN Asghar, FJ Saleemi, S Iqbal, MU Chaudhry, M Yasir, SU Bazai, ...
Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences 11 (1), pp 77-84, 2021
E-assessment and computer-aided prediction methodology for student admission test score
M Usman, MM Iqbal, Z Iqbal, MU Chaudhry, M Farhan, M Ashraf
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 13 (8 …, 2017
OPENTCQ: Towards Change Management in Hybrid Agile Model
JI Janjua, A Ali, MU Chaudhry
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Communication …, 2016
Supervised learning based classification of cardiovascular diseases
A Hussain, H Malik, MU Chaudhry
Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2021
Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing: Threat Level Indications.
K Razzaq Malik, M Umar Chaudhry, M Munwar Iqbal, Y Saleem, ...
Science International 26 (5), 2014
Geographical information system based approach to monitor epidemiological disaster: 2011 dengue fever outbreak in Punjab, Pakistan
S Ahmad, M Asif, M Yasir, S Nazir, M Majid, MU Chaudhry
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (5), 2016
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Articles 1–20