Sharatul Izah Samsudin
Sharatul Izah Samsudin
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ANFIS modelling of carbon and nitrogen removal in domestic wastewater treatment plant
MS Gaya, NA Wahab, YM Sam, SI Samsudin
Jurnal Teknologi 67 (5), 2014
A smart monitoring of a water quality detector system
SI Samsudin, SIM Salim, K Osman, SF Sulaiman, MIA Sabri
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 10 (3 …, 2018
Tracking performance and disturbance rejection of pneumatic actuator system
SNS Salim, ZH Ismail, MF Rahmat, AAM Faudzi, NH Sunar, SI Samsudin
2013 9th Asian control conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2013
Improvement of activated sludge process using enhanced nonlinear PI controller
SI Samsudin, MF Rahmat, NA Wahab, MC Razali, MS Gaya, SNS Salim
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 39, 6575-6586, 2014
Control strategies of wastewater treatment plants
M Malaysia
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (8), 446-455, 2011
Mathematical modelling and PID controller design for two DOF gimbal system
MH Ahmad, K Osman, MFM Zakeri, SI Samsudin
2021 IEEE 17th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its …, 2021
Enhanced position control for pneumatic system by applying constraints in MPC algorithm
SF Sulaiman, MF Rahmat, AAM Faudzi, K Osman, SNS Salim, ...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (3), 1633, 2017
Comparison of NARX neural network and classical modelling approaches
MG Sani, N Abdul Wahab, YM Sam, SI Samsudin, IW Jamaludin
Applied mechanics and Materials 554, 360-365, 2014
PWM controller design of a hexapod robot using FPGA
NA Ali, SIM Salim, R Abd Rahim, SA Anas, ZM Noh, SI Samsudin
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2013
Multivariable PID controllers for dynamic process
MC Razali, NA Wahab, P Balaguer, MF Rahmat, SI Samsudin
2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-5, 2013
Nonlinear PI control with adaptive interaction algorithm for multivariable wastewater treatment process
SI Samsudin, MF Rahmat, N Abdul Wahab
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 475053, 2014
Application of optimization technique for PID controller tuning in position tracking of pneumatic actuator system
NH Sunar, MF Rahmat, ZH Ismail, AM Faudzi, SNS Salim, SI Samsudin
2013 IEEE 9th international colloquium on signal processing and its …, 2013
Solving Tracking Problem of a Nonholonomic Wheel Mobile Robot Using Backstepping Tecnique
NA Sulaiman, AM Yusop, SI Samsudin
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (JMET) 2 (1), 85-92, 2010
Predictive functional controller (PFC) with novel observer method for pneumatic positioning system
AR Azira, K Osman, SI Samsudin, SF Sulaiman
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10 …, 2018
Modern and Intelligent Control of Active Magnetic Bearing
SI Samsudin
Masters Degree. Malaysia: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti …, 2006
Masalah pembelajaran bahasa bukan saintifik dalam pembelajaran sains
S Samsudin, Z Ismail
Diges Pendidik 4 (1), 32-43, 2004
Pneumatic positioning control system using constrained model predictive controller: Experimental repeatability test
SF Sulaiman, MF Rahmat, AA Faudzi, K Osman, SI Samsudin, AFZ Abidin, ...
Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng. IJECE 11, 3913-3923, 2021
ANFIS direct inverse control of substrate in an activated sludge wastewater treatment system
MG Sani, N Abdul Wahab, YM Sam, SI Samsudin, IW Jamaludin
Applied Mechanics and Materials 554, 246-250, 2014
Application of adaptive decentralized PI controller for activated sludge process
SI Samsudin, MF Rahmat, NA Wahab, MS Gaya, MC Razali
2013 IEEE 8th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2013
A self-Tuning decentralized PI control for multivariable plant
SI Samsudin, MF Rahrnat, NA Wahab, MC Razali, MS Gaya, SNS Salim
2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20