Mohammed Diab
Mohammed Diab
Assistant professor at University of Plymouth | CTO at Stealth company
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A review and comparison of ontology-based approaches to robot autonomy
A Olivares-Alarcos, D Beßler, A Khamis, P Goncalves, MK Habib, ...
The Knowledge Engineering Review 34, e29, 2019
PMK—A knowledge processing framework for autonomous robotics perception and manipulation
M Diab, A Akbari, M Ud Din, J Rosell
Sensors 19 (5), 1166, 2019
SkillMaN—A skill-based robotic manipulation framework based on perception and reasoning
M Diab, M Pomarlan, D Beßler, A Akbari, J Rosell, J Bateman, M Beetz
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 134, 103653, 2020
An ontology for failure interpretation in automated planning and execution
M Diab, M Pomarlan, D Beßler, A Akbari, J Rosell, J Bateman, M Beetz
Iberian Robotics conference, 381-390, 2019
Self-driving car lane-keeping assist using pid and pure pursuit control
MK Diab, HH Ammar, RE Shalaby
2020 international conference on innovation and intelligence for informatics …, 2020
An Ontology Framework for Physics-based Manipulation Planning
M Diab, Muhayyuddin, A Akbari, J Rosell
Robot, 2017
Contingent task and motion planning under uncertainty for human–robot interactions
A Akbari, M Diab, J Rosell
Applied Sciences 10 (5), 1665, 2020
Design and implementation of a ball and beam PID control system based on metaheuristic techniques
AT Azar, N Ali, S Makarem, MK Diab, HH Ammar
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2020
Preliminary psychometric scale development using the mixed methods Delphi technique
Y Dragostinov, D Harðardóttir, PE McKenna, DA Robb, B Nesset, ...
Methods in Psychology 7, 100103, 2022
IEEE Standard for Autonomous Robotics Ontology [Standards]
H Goncalves, Paulo J.S. and Olivares-Alarcos, Alberto and Bermejo-Alonso ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 28 (3), 171 - 173, 2021
Automating adaptive execution behaviors for robot manipulation
O Ruiz-Celada, P Verma, M Diab, J Rosell
IEEE access 10, 123489-123497, 2022
FailRecOnt-an ontology-based framework for failure interpretation and recovery in planning and execution
M Diab, M Pomarlan, S Borgo, D Bebler, J Rosell Gratacòs, J Bateman, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontologies for Autonomous …, 2021
Experimental lane keeping assist for an autonomous vehicle based on optimal PID controller
MK Diab, AN Abbas, HH Ammar, R Shalaby
2020 2nd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES …, 2020
Design and development of 5-DOF color sorting manipulator for industrial applications
AA Ata, SF Rezeka, A El-Shenawy, M Diab
World Academy Sci. Eng. Technol. Int. J. Mech. Aerosp. Ind. Mechatron. Manuf …, 2013
Theory of mind and trust in human-robot navigation
PE McKenna, M Romeo, J Pimentel, M Diab, M Moujahid, H Hastie, ...
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous …, 2023
Automatic generation of behavior trees for the execution of robotic manipulation tasks
JR Parikshit Verma, Mohammed Diab
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2021
Reasoning and state monitoring for the robust execution of robotic manipulation tasks
O Ruiz, J Rosell, M Diab
2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2022
Assembly planning in cluttered environments through heterogeneous reasoning
D Beßler, M Pomarlan, A Akbari, Muhayyuddin, M Diab, J Rosell, ...
Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Künstliche …, 2018
Thinking in Front of the Box: Towards Intelligent Robotic Action Selection for Navigation in Complex Environments Using Image-Schematic Reasoning.
M Pomarlan, S De Giorgis, MM Hedblom, M Diab, N Tsiogkas
JOWO, 2022
Pignaton de Freitas
A Olivares-Alarcos, D Bessler, A Khamis, P Goncalves, M Habib, ...
E., Gyrard, A., Borgo, S., Alenya, G., Beetz, M., and Li, H, 1-38, 2019
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Articles 1–20