Erna Sri Sugesti
Erna Sri Sugesti
Telkom University, School of Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering
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Multipartition DBA method on GPON
K Triningsih, ES Sugesti, HS Naning
2017 IEEE 13th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC …, 2017
Delay bound analysis for hybrid network: IEEE 802.11g ERP-OFDM WLAN over fiber
ES Sugesti, PS Priambodo, K Ramli, B Budiardjo
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), 2010 …, 2010
Delay bound analysis for hybrid networks: Interoperable IEEE 802.11 b/g WLAN over fiber
ES Sugesti, PS Priambodo, K Ramli, B Budiardjo
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control …, 2010
Performance Evaluation of WLAN Channel Utilization of TXOP HCCA for Real-time Applications
ES Sugesti, PS Priambodo, K Ramli, B Budiardjo
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 1 (6 …, 2013
Regulatory Impact Analysis for XGS-PON Standardization Development in Indonesia
N Solihah, MI Nashiruddin, ES Sugesti
2021 13th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2021
Perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut Sangatta -Towale
A Maulida, AT Lestari, G Gandaria, N Nurfitriani, ES Sugesti
Prosiding SENIATI 4 (1), 290-295, 2018
Analysis of Delay Bound in IEEE 802.11 g WLAN over Fiber Networks
ES Sugesti, PS Priambodo, K Ramli, B Budiardjo
Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTel) 5 (1 …, 2009
Water Management Program in Telkom University: Planning and Best Practice
ES Sugesti, A Hartaman, T Umbara
Journal of Sustainability Perspectives: Special Issue 476, 489, 2023
Voice Delivery using The Visible Light Communication (VLC) Prototype on Line of Sight (LOS) Channels
DAA Putri, A Hambali, ES Sugesti, B Pamukti
2020 6th International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2020
Desain Jaringan Komunikasi LTE Untuk Penumpang Kereta Cepat 140 km/jam Jakarta-Surabaya Jalur Pekalongan-Cepu
N Karlina, ES Sugesti, RP Astuti
eProceedings of Engineering 6 (2), 2019
Perancangan Dan Analisis Jaringan Backhaul Serat Optik Untuk Komunikasi LTE Penumpang Kereta Cepat Jakarta –Surabaya Sub Cepu –Surabaya
KA Farhan, ES Sugesti, RP Astuti
eProceedings of Engineering 7 (2), 2020
Studi Kasus Delay Pada Implementasi Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Over Fiber di Telkom University
R Meiliza, E Sri Sugesti, R Muldina Negara
eProceedings of Engineering, 2017
Analisis Daya Hilang Pada Serat Optik Melengkung Menggunakan Metode Geometris Dan FDTD
O Mandasari, ES Sugesti, BS Nugroho
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, Kendali, Komputer …, 2016
LinkSPath: A Novel Hybrid Restoration Scheme in Highspeed Optical Networks
S Utama, ES Sugesti, Istikmal
2015 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and …, 2015
Analisis Performansi Backbone Link Ungaran - Krian Pada Jaringan Komunikasi Serat Optik PT ICON+
MK Dewi, ES Sugesti, T Tearalangi
Institut Teknologi Telkom, 2009
Analisis Ekualisasi Daya ASE Pada Penguat Raman Menggunakan Ring Resonator Analyze of ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) Power Equalisation Using Ring Resonator on Raman …
W Maulana, ES Sugesti, Suwandi
Universitas Telkom, 2008
Designing An Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller For Drip Irrigation Smart Urban Farming Application With Iot Interface
MAA Priyanto, ES Sugesti, P Suwanto
eProceedings of Engineering 8 (6), 2021
Quality of Service Performance Analysis for XGS-PON Deployment in Indonesia
N Solihah, MI Nashiruddin, ES Sugesti
2021 13th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2021
Performance Evaluation of M-ary Modulated DCO-OFDM in an Indoor Visible Light Communication System
NF Milia, ES Sugesti, DM Saputri, B Pamukti
2019 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Information …, 2019
Perancangan Jaringan Komunikasi Lte Penumpang Kereta Cepat 160 Km/jam Jakarta-surabaya Jalur Cepu-surabaya
T Irawan, ES Sugesti, RP Astuti
eProceedings of Engineering 6 (2), 2019
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Articles 1–20