M Iqbal Saripan
M Iqbal Saripan
Professor of Computer Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review of brain MRI image segmentation methods
MA Balafar, AR Ramli, MI Saripan, S Mashohor
Artificial Intelligence Review 33, 261-274, 2010
Computer-aided detection/diagnosis of breast cancer in mammography and ultrasound: a review
A Jalalian, SBT Mashohor, HR Mahmud, MIB Saripan, ARB Ramli, ...
Clinical imaging 37 (3), 420-426, 2013
Review of visual odometry: types, approaches, challenges, and applications
MOA Aqel, MH Marhaban, MI Saripan, NB Ismail
SpringerPlus 5, 1-26, 2016
A framework for white blood cell segmentation in microscopic blood images using digital image processing
F Sadeghian, Z Seman, AR Ramli, BH Abdul Kahar, MI Saripan
Biological procedures online 11, 196-206, 2009
Diagnostic power of resting‐state fMRI for detection of network connectivity in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review
B Ibrahim, S Suppiah, N Ibrahim, M Mohamad, HA Hassan, NS Nasser, ...
Human brain mapping 42 (9), 2941-2968, 2021
Foundation and methodologies in computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer detection
A Jalalian, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, B Karasfi, MIB Saripan, ARB Ramli
EXCLI journal 16, 113, 2017
Review of liver segmentation and computer assisted detection/diagnosis methods in computed tomography
M Moghbel, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, MIB Saripan
Artificial Intelligence Review 50, 497-537, 2018
Skin segmentation using YUV and RGB color spaces
ZH Al-Tairi, RW Rahmat, MI Saripan, PS Sulaiman
Journal of information processing systems 10 (2), 283-299, 2014
Retinal blood vessel segmentation by using matched filtering and fuzzy c-means clustering with integrated level set method for diabetic retinopathy assessment
N Memari, AR Ramli, MIB Saripan, S Mashohor, M Moghbel
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 39, 713-731, 2019
Semi-automatic detection and counting of oil palm trees from high spatial resolution airborne imagery
HZM Shafri, N Hamdan, MI Saripan
International journal of remote sensing 32 (8), 2095-2115, 2011
Methods and challenges in shot boundary detection: a review
SH Abdulhussain, AR Ramli, MI Saripan, BM Mahmmod, SAR Al-Haddad, ...
Entropy 20 (4), 214, 2018
Effects of pump recycling technique on stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold: A theoretical model
HA Al-Asadi, MH Al-Mansoori, M Ajiya, S Hitam, MI Saripan, MA Mahdi
Optics express 18 (21), 22339-22347, 2010
Artificial neural network approach in radar target classification
NK Ibrahim, R Abdullah, MI Saripan
Journal of Computer Science 5 (1), 23, 2009
Multi-sources data fusion framework for remote triage prioritization in telehealth
OH Salman, MFA Rasid, MI Saripan, SK Subramaniam
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-23, 2014
Supervised retinal vessel segmentation from color fundus images based on matched filtering and AdaBoost classifier
N Memari, AR Ramli, MI Bin Saripan, S Mashohor, M Moghbel
PloS one 12 (12), e0188939, 2017
Hyperparameter tuning and pipeline optimization via grid search method and tree-based autoML in breast cancer prediction
SFM Radzi, MKA Karim, MI Saripan, MAA Rahman, INC Isa, MJ Ibahim
Journal of personalized medicine 11 (10), 978, 2021
Automatic liver tumor segmentation on computed tomography for patient treatment planning and monitoring
M Moghbel, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, MIB Saripan
EXCLI journal 15, 406, 2016
The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to fast neutrons
S Hashim, DA Bradley, MI Saripan, AT Ramli, H Wagiran
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (4-5), 700-703, 2010
Brillouin linewidth characterization in single mode large effective area fiber through the co-pumped technique
H Alasadi, MH Al-Mansoori, S Hitam, MI Saripan, MA Mahdi
IJECCT 1 (1), 2010
The effect of TiO2 and MgO on the thermoluminescence properties of a lithium potassium borate glass system
YSM Alajerami, S Hashim, SK Ghoshal, MA Saleh, T Kadni, MI Saripan, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74 (12), 1816-1822, 2013
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مقالات 1–20