yohan suryanto
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Cited by
Comparative analysis and design of cybersecurity maturity assessment methodology using nist csf, cobit, iso/iec 27002 and pci dss
D Sulistyowati, F Handayani, Y Suryanto
JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 4 (4), 225-230, 2020
Risk assessment using NIST SP 800-30 revision 1 and ISO 27005 combination technique in profit-based organization: Case study of ZZZ information system application in ABC agency
M Al Fikri, FA Putra, Y Suryanto, K Ramli
Procedia Computer Science 161, 1206-1215, 2019
On developing information security management system (isms) framework for iso 27001-based data center
D Achmadi, Y Suryanto, K Ramli
2018 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS …, 2018
Performance comparison of anti-spam technology using confusion matrix classification
F Rahmad, Y Suryanto, K Ramli
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 879 (1), 012076, 2020
A new image encryption using color scrambling based on chaotic permutation multiple circular shrinking and expanding
Y Suryanto, K Ramli, Suryadi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (15), 16831-16854, 2017
A Secure and Robust Image Encryption Based on Chaotic Permutation Multiple Circular Shrinking and Expanding
Y Suryanto, Suryadi, K Ramli
Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 7 (No. 4), pp …, 2016
Android forensic tools analysis for unsend chat on social media
T Hermawan, Y Suryanto, F Alief, L Roselina
2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and …, 2020
Evaluation of web application vulnerability scanner for modern web application
A Al Anhar, Y Suryanto
2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer …, 2021
Speech enhancement for secure communication using coupled spectral subtraction and Wiener filter
H Pardede, K Ramli, Y Suryanto, N Hayati, A Presekal
Electronics 8 (8), 897, 2019
Potential development of AES 128-bit key generation for LoRaWAN security
N Hayati, K Ramli, M Suryanegara, Y Suryanto
2019 2nd International Conference on Communication Engineering and …, 2019
Novel image encryption using a pseudoset generated by chaotic permutation multicircular shrinking with a gradual deletion of the input set
K Ramli, Y Suryanto, N Hayati
IEEE Access 8, 110351-110361, 2020
Vulnerability analysis of internet devices from indonesia based on exposure data in shodan
B Novianto, Y Suryanto, K Ramli
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1115 (1), 012045, 2021
End-to-end voice encryption based on multiple circular chaotic permutation
N Hayati, Y Suryanto, K Ramli, M Suryanegara
2019 2nd International Conference on Communication Engineering and …, 2019
Chaos properties of the chaotic permutation generated by multi circular shrinking and expanding movement
Y Suryanto, K Ramli
2015 International conference on quality in research (QiR), 65-68, 2015
Evaluation of the Readiness Level of Information System Security at the BAKAMLA Using the KAMI Index based on ISO 27001: 2013
P Sugiarto, Y Suryanto
Int. J. Mech. Eng 7 (2), 3607-3614, 2022
Analysis of autopsy mobile forensic tools against unsent messages on whatsapp messaging application
F Alief, Y Suryanto, L Rosselina, T Hermawan
2020 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer …, 2020
Risk Management in Data Centers Using ISO 31000 Case Study: XYZ Agency
A Syihabuddin, Y Suryanto, M Salman
The 1st STEEEM 2019 1 (1), 341-352, 2019
Performance analysis on iris recognition based on half polar iris localization and normalization method using modified low cost camera
K Ramli, R Nurhadi, Y Suryanto, A Presekal
2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR …, 2017
Pengembangan dan analisis metode permutasi chaotic baru berbasis multiputaran mengecil dan membesar untuk enkripsi citra dengan tingkat keamanan tinggi, cepat, dan tahan …
Y Suryanto
Modification Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm with Perfect Strict Avalanche Criterion S-Box
N Angraini, Y Suryanto
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) 3 (4), 897-906, 2022
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Articles 1–20