Burairah Hussin
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Cited by
Opinion Mining of Movie Review Using Hybrid Method of Support Vector Machine and Particle Swarm Optimization
ASH Basari, B Hussin, I Ananta, J Zeniarja
Procedia Engineering 53 (1), 453-462, 2013
Classification of software risks with discriminant analysis techniques in software planning development process
A Elzamly, B Hussin, SSA Naser, M Doheir
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 81, 35-48, 2015
Predicting Software Analysis Process Risks Using Linear Stepwise Discriminant Analysis: Statistical Methods
A Elzamly, SS Abu Naser, B Hussin, M Doheir
Int. J. Adv. Inf. Sci. Technol 38 (38), 108-115, 2015
Predicting critical cloud computing security issues using Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) algorithms in banking organizations
A Elzamly, B Hussin, SS Abu-Naser, T Shibutani, M Doheir
A Case Study Of Condition Based Maintenance Modelling Based Upon The Oil Analysis Data Of Marine Diesel Engines Using Stochastic Filtering
W Wang, B Hussin, T Jefferis
International Journal of Production Economics 136 (1), 84-92, 2012
A new conceptual framework modelling for cloud computing risk management in banking organizations
A Elzamly, B Hussin, SA Naser, K Khanfar, M Doheir, A Selamat, ...
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 9 (9), 137-154, 2016
Plant Residual Time Modelling Based On Observed Variables In Oil Samples
W Wang, B Hussin
Journal of the Operational Research Society 60 (6), 789-796, 2008
A data mining approach for developing quality prediction model in multi-stage manufacturing
F Arif, N Suryana, B Hussin
International Journal of Computer Applications 69 (22), 2013
Converging VANET with vehicular cloud networks to reduce the traffic congestions: A review
MS Talib, B Hussin, A Hassan
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (21), 10646-10654, 2017
Top fifty software risk factors and the best thirty risk management techniques in software development lifecycle for successful software projects
A Elzamly, B Hussin, NM Salleh
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 9 (6), 11-32, 2016
Modification of Dijkstra’s algorithm for safest and shortest path during emergency evacuation
K Samah, B Hussin, ASH Basari
Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 (31), 1531-1541, 2015
Cascade quality prediction method using multiple PCA+ ID3 for multi-stage manufacturing system
F Arif, N Suryana, B Hussin
Ieri Procedia 4, 201-207, 2013
Exam Timetabling Using Graph Colouring Approach
B Hussin, ASH Basari, AS Shibghatullah, SA Asmai, NS Othman
Open Systems (ICOS), 2011 IEEE Conference on, 133-138, 2011
Managing software project risks (analysis phase) with proposed fuzzy regression analysis modelling techniques with fuzzy concepts
A Elzamly, B Hussin
Journal of Computing and Information Technology 22 (2), 131-144, 2014
A comparison of fuzzy and stepwise multiple regression analysis techniques for managing software project risks: Implementation phase
A Elzamly, B Hussin
International Management Review 10 (1), 43-54, 2014
Managing Software Project Risks with Proposed Regression Model Techniques and Effect Size Technique
A Elzamly, B Hussin
International Review on Computers and Software 6 (2), 250-263, 2011
Estimating quality-affecting risks in software projects
A Elzamly, B Hussin
International Management Review 7 (2), 66-74, 2011
Dns tunneling: a review on features
M Sammour, B Hussin, MFI Othman, M Doheir, B AlShaikhdeeb, MS Talib
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.20), 1-5, 2018
A Framework of an Intelligent Maintenance Prognosis Tool
SA Asmai, B Hussin, MM Yusof
Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development, 241-245, 2010
Modelling and evaluating software project risks with quantitative analysis techniques in planning software development
A Elzamly, B Hussin
Journal of computing and information technology 23 (2), 123-139, 2015
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Articles 1–20