Merryn Constable
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Cited by
Grasping the concept of personal property
MD Constable, A Kritikos, AP Bayliss
Cognition 119 (3), 430-437, 2011
The role of interest and images in slideware presentations
JM Tangen, MD Constable, E Durrant, C Teeter, BR Beston, JA Kim
Computers & Education 56 (3), 865-872, 2011
I before U: Temporal order judgements reveal bias for self-owned objects
MD Constable, TN Welsh, G Huffman, J Pratt
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (3), 589-598, 2019
Object ownership and action: The influence of social context and choice on the physical manipulation of personal property
MD Constable, A Kritikos, OV Lipp, AP Bayliss
Experimental Brain Research 232, 3749-3761, 2014
Ownership status influences the degree of joint facilitatory behavior
MD Constable, AP Bayliss, SP Tipper, AP Spaniol, J Pratt, TN Welsh
Psychological Science 27 (10), 1371-1378, 2016
Self-generated cognitive fluency as an alternative route to preference formation
MD Constable, AP Bayliss, SP Tipper, A Kritikos
Consciousness and cognition 22 (1), 47-52, 2013
It is not in the details: Self-related shapes are rapidly classified but their features are not better remembered
MD Constable, J Rajsic, TN Welsh, J Pratt
Memory & Cognition 47, 1145-1157, 2019
Affective compatibility with the self modulates the self-prioritisation effect
MD Constable, ML Becker, YI Oh, G Knoblich
Cognition and Emotion 35 (2), 291-304, 2021
Do you see what I see? Co-actor posture modulates visual processing in joint tasks
MD Constable, J Pratt, DG Gozli, TN Welsh
Visual Cognition 23 (6), 699-719, 2015
The modulation of motor contagion by intrapersonal sensorimotor experience
JW Roberts, O Katayama, T Lung, MD Constable, D Elliott, JL Lyons, ...
Neuroscience letters 624, 42-46, 2016
Maximising Coefficiency of Human-Robot handovers through reinforcement learning
M Lagomarsino, M Lorenzini, MD Constable, E De Momi, C Becchio, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (8), 4378-4385, 2023
Relevant for us? We-prioritization in cognitive processing.
MD Constable, F Elekes, N Sebanz, G Knoblich
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (12 …, 2019
Self-bias effect: Movement initiation to self-owned property is speeded for both approach and avoidance actions
T Barton, MD Constable, S Sparks, A Kritikos
Psychological Research 85 (4), 1391-1406, 2021
Evaluating the relative contributions of copying and reconstruction processes in cultural transmission episodes
JWA Strachan, A Curioni, MD Constable, G Knoblich, M Charbonneau
Plos one 16 (9), e0256901, 2021
“Two minds don’t blink alike”: The attentional blink does not occur in a joint context
MD Constable, J Pratt, TN Welsh
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1714, 2018
Eye movements may cause motor contagion effects
MD Constable, J de Grosbois, T Lung, L Tremblay, J Pratt, TN Welsh
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24, 835-841, 2017
Probing the time course of facilitation and inhibition in gaze cueing of attention in an upper-limb reaching task
E Yoxon, MD Constable, TN Welsh
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81, 2410-2423, 2019
Property and prejudice: How racial attitudes and social‐evaluative concerns shape property appraisals
JC McIntyre, MD Constable, FK Barlow
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (6), 716-727, 2015
A methodology for distinguishing copying and reconstruction in cultural transmission episodes
JWA Strachan, A Curioni, MD Constable, G Knoblich, M Charbonneau
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 42, 2020
Right away: A late, right-lateralized category effect complements an early, left-lateralized category effect in visual search
MD Constable, SI Becker
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24, 1611-1619, 2017
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Articles 1–20