S Mashohor
S Mashohor
Associate Professor at Computer and Communication Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review of brain MRI image segmentation methods
MA Balafar, AR Ramli, MI Saripan, S Mashohor
Artificial Intelligence Review 33, 261-274, 2010
Computer-aided detection/diagnosis of breast cancer in mammography and ultrasound: a review
A Jalalian, SBT Mashohor, HR Mahmud, MIB Saripan, ARB Ramli, ...
Clinical imaging 37 (3), 420-426, 2013
Vertical-edge-based car-license-plate detection method
AM Al-Ghaili, S Mashohor, AR Ramli, A Ismail
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 62 (1), 26-38, 2012
Foundation and methodologies in computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer detection
A Jalalian, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, B Karasfi, MIB Saripan, ARB Ramli
EXCLI journal 16, 113, 2017
Review of liver segmentation and computer assisted detection/diagnosis methods in computed tomography
M Moghbel, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, MIB Saripan
Artificial Intelligence Review 50, 497-537, 2018
Survey on liver CT image segmentation methods
AM Mharib, AR Ramli, S Mashohor, RB Mahmood
Artificial Intelligence Review 37, 83-95, 2012
CNN-SVO: Improving the mapping in semi-direct visual odometry using single-image depth prediction
SY Loo, AJ Amiri, S Mashohor, SH Tang, H Zhang
2019 International conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 5218-5223, 2019
Retinal blood vessel segmentation by using matched filtering and fuzzy c-means clustering with integrated level set method for diabetic retinopathy assessment
N Memari, AR Ramli, MIB Saripan, S Mashohor, M Moghbel
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 39, 713-731, 2019
A review of computer assisted detection/diagnosis (CAD) in breast thermography for breast cancer detection
M Moghbel, S Mashohor
Artificial Intelligence Review 39, 305-313, 2013
A highly interpretable fuzzy rule base using ordinal structure for obstacle avoidance of mobile robot
K Samsudin, FA Ahmad, S Mashohor
Applied Soft Computing 11 (2), 1631-1637, 2011
A real-time Malaysian automatic license plate recognition (M-ALPR) using hybrid fuzzy
W Al Faqheri, S Mashohor
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9 (2), 333-340, 2009
Machine learning in medicinal plants recognition: a review
K Pushpanathan, M Hanafi, S Mashohor, WF Fazlil Ilahi
Artificial Intelligence Review 54 (1), 305-327, 2021
Supervised retinal vessel segmentation from color fundus images based on matched filtering and AdaBoost classifier
N Memari, AR Ramli, MI Bin Saripan, S Mashohor, M Moghbel
PloS one 12 (12), e0188939, 2017
A new vertical edge detection algorithm and its application
AM Al-Ghaili, S Mashohor, A Ismail, AR Ramli
2008 international conference on computer engineering & systems, 204-209, 2008
Automatic liver tumor segmentation on computed tomography for patient treatment planning and monitoring
M Moghbel, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, MIB Saripan
EXCLI journal 15, 406, 2016
Automatic diabetic retinopathy detection and classification system
ZA Omar, M Hanafi, S Mashohor, NFM Mahfudz, M Muna'Im
2017 7th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology …, 2017
Automatic liver segmentation on computed tomography using random walkers for treatment planning
M Moghbel, S Mashohor, R Mahmud, MIB Saripan
EXCLI journal 15, 500, 2016
Elitist selection schemes for genetic algorithm based printed circuit board inspection system
S Mashohor, JR Evans, T Arslan
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2, 974-978, 2005
Evaluation of genetic algorithm based solar tracking system for photovoltaic panels
S Mashohor, K Samsudin, AM Noor, ARA Rahman
2008 IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 269-273, 2008
Compare different spatial based fuzzy-C_mean (FCM) extensions for MRI image segmentation
MA Balafar, AR Ramli, S Mashohor, A Farzan
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20