Sarah Howe
Sarah Howe
PhD Candidate
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Cited by
Optimising mechanical ventilation through model-based methods and automation
SE Morton, JL Knopp, JG Chase, P Docherty, SL Howe, K Möller, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 48, 369-382, 2019
A virtual patient model for mechanical ventilation
SE Morton, J Dickson, JG Chase, P Docherty, T Desaive, SL Howe, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 165, 77-87, 2018
Estimating the true respiratory mechanics during asynchronous pressure controlled ventilation
DO Kannangara, F Newberry, S Howe, V Major, D Redmond, A Szlavecs, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 30, 70-78, 2016
Model-based PEEP titration versus standard practice in mechanical ventilation: a randomised controlled trial
KT Kim, S Morton, S Howe, YS Chiew, JL Knopp, P Docherty, C Pretty, ...
Trials 21, 1-18, 2020
Inspiratory respiratory mechanics estimation by using expiratory data for reverse-triggered breathing cycles
SL Howe, JG Chase, DP Redmond, SE Morton, KT Kim, C Pretty, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 186, 105184, 2020
Iterative interpolative pressure reconstruction for improved respiratory mechanics estimation during asynchronous volume controlled ventilation
F Newberry, O Kannangara, S Howe, V Major, D Redmond, A Szlavecz, ...
International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life …, 2016
Measuring lung mechanics of expiratory tidal breathing with non-invasive breath occlusion
SL Howe, M März, S Krüger-Ziolek, B Laufer, C Pretty, GM Shaw, ...
Biomedical engineering online 19 (1), 32, 2020
Quantifying patient effort in spontaneously breathing patient using negative component of dynamic Elastance
KT Kim, DP Redmond, SE Morton, SL Howe, YS Chiew, JG Chase
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5486-5491, 2017
A variable resistance respiratory mechanics model
DP Redmond, KT Kim, SE Morton, SL Howe, YS Chiew, JG Chase
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 6660-6665, 2017
Basis function identification of lung mechanics in mechanical ventilation for predicting outcomes of therapy changes: A first virtual patient
SE Morton, JL Dickson, JG Chase, PD Docherty, SL Howe, GM Shaw, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (15), 299-304, 2018
Development of a predictive pulmonary elastance model to describe lung mechanics throughout recruitment manoeuvres
SE Morton, JL Knopp, JG Chase, PD Docherty, SL Howe, GM Shaw, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (27), 215-220, 2018
Lung Mechanics in Premature infants: Modelling and clinical validation
KT Kim, S Howe, YS Chiew, J Knopp, JG Chase
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (27), 225-230, 2018
Measurement of lung mechanics during spontaneous tidal breathing in out-patient care.
S Howe
University of Canterbury, 2020
Estimation of inspiratory respiratory elastance using expiratory data
SL Howe, JG Chase, DP Redmond, SE Morton, KT Kim, C Pretty, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (27), 204-208, 2018
Cheek support affects lung mechanics measurements of tidal-based spontaneous breathing
SL Howe, M März, J Pinter, S Krüger-Ziolek, C Pretty, GM Shaw, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 193, 105526, 2020
Effect of small airways and viscoelasticity on lung mechanics from expiratory occlusion
SL Howe, M März, S Krüger-Ziolek, B Laufer, C Pretty, GM Shaw, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 16251-16256, 2020
Improved respiratory mechanical estimation during pressure controlled mechanical ventilation
O Kannangara, F Newberry, S Howe, V Major, D Redmond, A Szlavecz, ...
International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life …, 2016
Impact of artificial airway resistances on regional ventilation distribution during airway closure
M März, S Howe, B Laufer, K Moeller, S Krueger-Ziolek
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 6 (3), 32-35, 2020
Non-invasive measurement of tidal breathing lung mechanics using expiratory occlusion
SL Howe, M März, S Krüger-Ziolek, B Laufer, C Pretty, GM Shaw, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 16167-16172, 2020
Model-based mechanical ventilation: managing pulmonary disease using computation
G Chase, JL Dickson, SE Morton, S Howe, KT Kim, O Kanangara, G Shaw
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Articles 1–20