Jason Ivanoff
Jason Ivanoff
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Capacity limits of information processing in the brain
R Marois, J Ivanoff
Trends in cognitive sciences 9 (6), 296-305, 2005
Isolation of a central bottleneck of information processing with time-resolved fMRI
PE Dux, J Ivanoff, CL Asplund, R Marois
Neuron 52 (6), 1109-1120, 2006
fMRI evidence for a dual process account of the speed-accuracy tradeoff in decision-making
J Ivanoff, P Branning, R Marois
PLoS one 3 (7), e2635, 2008
Orienting of attention without awareness is affected by measurement-induced attentional control settings
J Ivanoff, RM Klein
Journal of vision 3 (1), 4-4, 2003
Performance asymmetries in computer mouse control of right-handers, and left-handers with left-and right-handed mouse experience
M Peters, J Ivanoff
Journal of Motor Behavior 31 (1), 86-94, 1999
The presence of a nonresponding effector increases inhibition of return
J Ivanoff, RM Klein
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 8 (2), 307-314, 2001
Functional neuroanatomy of response inhibition in bipolar disorders–combined voxel based and cognitive performance meta-analysis
T Hajek, M Alda, E Hajek, J Ivanoff
Journal of psychiatric research 47 (12), 1955-1966, 2013
The components of visual attention and the ubiquitous Simon effect
RM Klein, J Ivanoff
Acta psychologica 136 (2), 225-234, 2011
Inhibition of return interacts with the Simon effect: An omnibus analysis and its implications
J Ivanoff, RM Klein, J Lupiáńez
Perception & Psychophysics 64, 318-327, 2002
Stimulus-response probability and inhibition of return
J Ivanoff, RM Klein
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 11, 542-550, 2004
Inhibition of return: sensitivity and criterion as a function of response time.
J Ivanoff, RM Klein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (4), 908, 2006
Perceptual and motor inhibition of return: components or flavors?
MD Hilchey, RM Klein, J Ivanoff
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74, 1416-1429, 2012
Mapping the pathways of information processing from sensation to action in four distinct sensorimotor tasks
J Ivanoff, P Branning, R Marois
Human brain mapping 30 (12), 4167-4186, 2009
Inhibition of return promotes stop-signal inhibition by delaying responses
J Ivanoff, TL Taylor
Visual Cognition 13 (4), 503-512, 2006
The interplay of stop signal inhibition and inhibition of return
TL Taylor, J Ivanoff
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 56 (8), 1349-1371, 2003
On the role of eye movement monitoring and discouragement on inhibition of return in a go/no-go task
MD Hilchey, M Hashish, GH MacLean, J Satel, J Ivanoff, RM Klein
Vision Research 96, 133-139, 2014
A derived transfer of eliciting emotional functions using differences among electroencephalograms as a dependent measure
M Amd, D Barnes‐Holmes, J Ivanoff
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 99 (3), 318-334, 2013
Visualizing the temporal dynamics of spatial information processing responsible for the Simon effect and its amplification by inhibition of return
MD Hilchey, J Ivanoff, TL Taylor, RM Klein
Acta Psychologica 136 (2), 235-244, 2011
Inhibition of return and repetition priming effects in localization and discrimination tasks.
TL Taylor, J Ivanoff
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2005
A shift of attention may be necessary, but it is not sufficient, for the generation of the Simon effect
J Ivanoff, M Peters
Psychological research 64, 117-135, 2000
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20