Rajat Pal
Rajat Pal
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Calcutta
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Cited by
Effect of pre-storage treatments and temperature regimes on shelf-life and respiratory behaviour of ripe Baneshan mango.
CK Narayana, RK Pal, SK Roy
An efficient genetic algorithm for multi-objective solid travelling salesman problem under fuzziness
C Changdar, GS Mahapatra, RK Pal
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 15, 27-37, 2014
Ripening and rheological properties of mango as influenced by ethrel and calcium carbide.
RK Pal
An improved genetic algorithm based approach to solve constrained knapsack problem in fuzzy environment
C Changdar, GS Mahapatra, RK Pal
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (4), 2276-2286, 2015
A genetic ant colony optimization based algorithm for solid multiple travelling salesmen problem in fuzzy rough environment
C Changdar, RK Pal, GS Mahapatra
Soft Computing 21, 4661-4675, 2017
Multi-layer channel routing complexity and algorithms
RK Pal
Alpha Science Int'l Ltd., 2000
Algorithms for generating all possible spanning trees of a simple undirected connected graph: an extensive review
M Chakraborty, S Chowdhury, J Chakraborty, R Mehera, RK Pal
Complex & Intelligent Systems 5, 265-281, 2019
An ant colony optimization approach for binary knapsack problem under fuzziness
C Changdar, GS Mahapatra, RK Pal
Applied Mathematics and Computation 223, 243-253, 2013
Construction of gene regulatory networks using recurrent neural networks and swarm intelligence
A Khan, S Mandal, RK Pal, G Saha
Scientifica 2016 (1), 1060843, 2016
Sudoku solver using minigrid based backtracking
AK Maji, RK Pal
2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 36-44, 2014
All-optical binary to gray code and gray to binary code conversion scheme with the help of semiconductor optical amplifier-assisted Sagnac switch
DK Gayen, T Chattopadhyay, MK Das, JN Roy, RK Pal
IET circuits, devices & systems 5 (2), 123-131, 2011
Three area power system load frequency control using fuzzy logic controller
SK Jain, A Bhargava, RK Pal
2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4), 1-6, 2015
Neural network training using firefly algorithm
S Mandal, G Saha, RK Pal
Global Journal on Advancement in Engineering and Science (GJAES) 1 (1), 7-11, 2015
A general graph theoretic framework for multi-layer channel routing
RK Pal, AK Datta, SP Pal, MM Das, A Pal
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on VLSI Design, 202-207, 1995
Resolving horizontal constraints and minimizing net wire length for multi-layer channel routing
RK Pal, AK Datta, SP Pal, A Pal
Proceedings of TENCON'93. IEEE Region 10 International Conference on …, 1993
Redox‐initiated vinyl polymerization with thiourea as the reductant
AR Mukherjee, R Pal, Amarendra, M Biswas, S Maiti
Journal of Polymer Science Part A‐1: Polymer Chemistry 5 (1), 135-149, 1967
An algorithm for generating only desired permutations for solving Sudoku puzzle
AK Maji, S Jana, RK Pal
Procedia Technology 10, 392-399, 2013
A systematic literature review on latest keystroke dynamics based models
S Roy, J Pradhan, A Kumar, DRD Adhikary, U Roy, D Sinha, RK Pal
IEEE Access 10, 92192-92236, 2022
All-optical multiplication with the help of semiconductor optical amplifier—assisted sagnac switch
DK Gayen, T Chattopadhyay, RK Pal, JN Roy
Journal of computational electronics 9, 57-67, 2010
Influence of ethrel and calcium carbide on respiration rate, ethylene evolution, electrolyte leakage and firmness of'Dashehari'mango (Mangifera indica)
RK Pal
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 68 (4), 1998
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Articles 1–20