Hamid Falaghi
Cited by
Cited by
Risk-based distributed generation placement
MR Haghifam, H Falaghi, OP Malik
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2 (2), 252-260, 2008
Ant colony optimization-based method for placement of sectionalizing switches in distribution networks using a fuzzy multiobjective approach
H Falaghi, MR Haghifam, C Singh
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (1), 268-276, 2008
ACO based algorithm for distributed generation sources allocation and sizing in distribution systems
H Falaghi, MR Haghifam
2007 IEEE Lausanne Power Tech, 555-560, 2007
DG integrated multistage distribution system expansion planning
H Falaghi, C Singh, MR Haghifam, M Ramezani
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (8), 1489-1497, 2011
Medium-term energy hub management subject to electricity price and wind uncertainty
A Najafi, H Falaghi, J Contreras, M Ramezani
Applied Energy 168, 418-433, 2016
A stochastic bilevel model for the energy hub manager problem
A Najafi, H Falaghi, J Contreras, M Ramezani
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (5), 2394-2404, 2016
Distributed generation impacts on electric distribution systems reliability: Sensitivity analysis
H Falaghi, MR Haghifam
EUROCON 2005-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool" 2, 1465-1468, 2005
Fault indicators effects on distribution reliability indices
H Falaghi, MR Haghifam, MRO Tabrizi
CIRED 2005-18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity …, 2005
Probabilistic assessment of TTC in power systems including wind power generation
H Falaghi, M Ramezani, C Singh, MR Haghifam
IEEE Systems journal 6 (1), 181-190, 2011
Joint optimization of day-ahead and uncertain near real-time operation of microgrids
R Aboli, M Ramezani, H Falaghi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 107, 34-46, 2019
Optimal selection of conductors in radial distribution systems with time varying load
H Falaghi, M Ramezani, MR Haghifam, KR Milani
CIRED 2005-18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity …, 2005
Optimisation of arrester location in risk assessment in distribution network
R Shariatinasab, J Ghayur Safar, H Falaghi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (1), 151-159, 2014
A practical approach for distribution network load balancing by optimal re‐phasing of single phase customers using discrete genetic algorithm
O Homaee, A Najafi, M Dehghanian, M Attar, H Falaghi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 29 (5), e2834, 2019
A novel strategy for optimal placement of locally controlled voltage regulators in traditional distribution systems
M Attar, O Homaee, H Falaghi, P Siano
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 96, 11-22, 2018
A deterministic approach for probabilistic TTC evaluation of power systems including wind farm based on data clustering
M Ramezani, H Falaghi, C Singh
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 4 (3), 643-651, 2013
A hybrid robust distributed model for short-term operation of multi-microgrid distribution networks
R Aboli, M Ramezani, H Falaghi
Electric Power Systems Research 177, 106011, 2019
A hybrid heuristic and learning automata‐based algorithm for distribution substations siting, sizing and defining the associated service areas
SM Mazhari, H Monsef, H Falaghi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 24 (3), 433-456, 2014
Short-term electric load forecasting using neural networks
M Ramezani, H Falaghi, MR Haghifam, GA Shahryari
EUROCON 2005-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool" 2, 1525-1528, 2005
Genetic based algorithm for optimal placement of distribution transformers
M Ramezani, H Falaghi, MP Moghaddam, MR Haghifam
2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 5 pp., 2006
Generation expansion planning in the presence of wind power plants using a genetic algorithm model
A Sahragard, H Falaghi, M Farhadi, A Mosavi, A Estebsari
Electronics 9 (7), 1143, 2020
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Articles 1–20