Shamsul Anuar Shamsudin
Shamsul Anuar Shamsudin
Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
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Review of research on vehicles aerodynamic drag reduction methods
MN Sudin, MA Abdullah, SA Shamsuddin, FR Ramli, MM Tahir
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 14 (02), 37-47, 2014
Topology optimization in automotive brake pedal redesign
MN Sudin, MM Tahir, FR Ramli, SA Shamsuddin
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) 6 (1), 398-402, 2014
Effect of part features on dimensional accuracy of FDM model
MN Sudin, SA Shamsudin, MA Abdullah
APRN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (3), 8067-8072, 2016
Kinematic Synthesis of Planar, Shape-Changing Rigid Body Mechanisms for Design Profiles With Significant Differences in Arc Length
SA Shamsudin, AP Murray, DH Myszka, JP Schmiedeler
ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2011
Design efficiency analysis towards product improvement for eco-friendly using DFMA method
MN Sudin, NS Chin, SA Shamsudin, MA Yusuff
The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 10 (1), 2016
Robust control strategy for pneumatic drive system via enhanced nonlinear PID controller
SNS Salim, MF Rahmat, AAM Faudzi, ZH Ismail, NH Sunar, SA Samsudin
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 4 (5), 658, 2014
Car seat design using RULA analysis
S Mat, MA Abdullah, AR Dullah, SA Shamsudin, MF Hussin
Proceeding of mechanical engineering research day, 130-131, 2017
Land clearing, preparation and drone monitoring using Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and thermal imagery for Smart Durian Orchard Management project
AA Yusof, MKM Nor, NLAMS Azyze, AM Kassim, SA Shamsudin, ...
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 91 (1 …, 2022
Prediction on power produced from power turbine as a waste heat recovery mechanism on naturally aspirated spark ignition engine using artificial neural network
SG Herawan, AH Rohhaizan, AF Ismail, SA Shamsudin, A Putra, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 2016 (1), 5072404, 2016
A study on tracking peformance of the pneumatic system with enhanced NPID controller
SNS Salim, AC Amran, AAM Faudzi, ZH Ismail, MF Rahmat, NH Sunar, ...
2015 10th Asian control conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2015
Design and fabrication of a recreational human-powered vehicle
MA Abdullah, SA Shamsudin, FR Ramli, MH Harun, MA Yusuff
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention 5 (2), 11-14, 2016
Design and Analysis of a Cam-Actuated Wearable-Chair
AHM Zin, SA Shamsudin, MN Sudin, M Nazim, A Rahman, Z Zainal
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 9 (3 …, 2020
Prediction of generated power from steam turbine waste heat recovery mechanism system on naturally aspirated spark ignition engine using artificial neural network
SG Herawan, K Talib, A Putra, AF Ismail, SA Shamsudin, MT Musthafah
Soft Computing 22, 5955-5964, 2018
Prediction of steam turbine performance as a waste heat recovery mechanism on naturally aspirated spark ignition engine using artificial neural network
SG Herawan, K Talib, SA Shamsudin, A Putra, MT Musthafah, AF Ismail
2016 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence …, 2016
Effect of bamboo fibre length on the mechanical properties of bamboo fibre/polypropylene composite
MZ Selamat, AN Kasim, SA Shamsudin, MA Mohd Daud, S Dhar
8th MUCET, Melaka, Malaysia, 2014
Indoor environment and energy consumption analysis for a university academic building
AA Alhammali, SA Shamsudin, KK Mohammed, BT Tee, HA Al-Issa
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 373 (1), 012017, 2019
Enhanced self-regulation nonlinear PID for industrial pneumatic actuator
SNS Salim, MF Rahmat, L Abdullah, SA Shamsudin, M Zainon, AFM Amin
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 9 (4 …, 2019
The development of PANTHER AUV for autonomous underwater vehicle competition challenge 2017/2018
AA Yusof, MKM Nor, SA Shamsudin, MR Alkahari, M Musa
Intelligent Manufacturing & Mechatronics: Proceedings of Symposium, 29 …, 2018
Facing the autonomous underwater vehicle competition challenge: the TUAH AUV experience
AA Yusof, MKM Nor, SA Shamsudin, MR Alkahari, MS bin Mohd Aras, ...
Intelligent Manufacturing & Mechatronics: Proceedings of Symposium, 29 …, 2018
Study on waste heat recovery from exhaust gas spark ignition (SI) engine using steam turbine mechanism
K Talib, SG Herawan, MM Tahir, A Putra, SA Shamsudin
MATEC Web of conferences 90, 01057, 2017
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Articles 1–20