Christina A. Rossi
Christina A. Rossi
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah
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Stimulation in hippocampal region CA1 in behaving rats yields long-term potentiation when delivered to the peak of theta and long-term depression when delivered to the trough
JM Hyman, BP Wyble, V Goyal, CA Rossi, ME Hasselmo
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (37), 11725-11731, 2003
Chronic social stress and susceptibility to concentrated ambient fine particles in rats
JE Clougherty, CA Rossi, J Lawrence, MS Long, EA Diaz, RH Lim, ...
Environmental health perspectives 118 (6), 769-775, 2010
Analysis of theta power in hippocampal EEG during bar pressing and running behavior in rats during distinct behavioral contexts
BP Wyble, JM Hyman, CA Rossi, ME Hasselmo
Hippocampus 14 (5), 662-674, 2004
The effect of the cannabinoid‐receptor antagonist, SR141716, on the early stage of kainate‐induced epileptogenesis in the adult rat
FE Dudek, WA Pouliot, CA Rossi, KJ Staley
Epilepsia 51, 126-130, 2010
Identifying druglike inhibitors of myelin-reactive T cells by phenotypic high-throughput screening of a small-molecule library
C Rossi, D Padmanaban, J Ni, LA Yeh, MA Glicksman, H Waldner
SLAS Discovery 12 (4), 481-489, 2007
Coherence between theta rhythm in rat medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus
JM Hyman, BP Wyble, CA Rossi, ME Hasselmo
Abstr Soc Neurosci 28, 477.6, 2002
Social stress and susceptibility to concentrated particulate air pollution (CAPs) in rats
JE Clougherty, CA Rossi, J Lawrence, M Long, E Diaz, P Koutrakis, ...
Epidemiology 19 (6), S163, 2008
Social Stress and Susceptibility to Concentrated Particulate Air Pollution (Caps) in Rats
J Clougherty, C Rossi, J Lawrence, M Long, E Diaz, R Lim, B McEwen, ...
Epidemiology 20 (6), S55-S56, 2009
BEHAVIORAL/SYSTEMS/COGNITIVE-Stimulation in Hippocampal Region CA1 in Behaving Rats Yields Long-Term Potentiation when Delivered to the Peak of Theta and Long-Term Depression …
JM Hyman, BP Wyble, V Goyal, CA Rossi, ME Hasselmo
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (37), 11725-11731, 2003
The Role of GABA-ergic Interneurons in CA1 and Dentate Gyrus for Sequence Learning
CS Weedeną, AM Morrisą, CA Rossi, JM Robertsą
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