Hendri Maja Saputra
Hendri Maja Saputra
Reseacher of Robotics and Mechatronic, National Research and Innovation Agency
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Peluang dan Tantangan Pengembangan Mobil Listrik Nasional
RA Subekti
Lipi Press, 2014
Kajian Kebijakan Alutsista Pertahanan dan Kemanan Republik Indonesia
M Mirdanies, HM Saputra, RA Subekti, V Susanti, A Sukma Nugraha, ...
LIPI Press, 2013
Pengembangan buku cerita bergambar berbasis kearifan lokal NTB untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter pada siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar
H Saputra, K Nisa, IS Jiwandono
Journal of Classroom Action Research 4 (2), 61-70, 2022
Me metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dalam pendidikan agama Islam
H Saputra
JURNAL ABSHAR: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, Pendidikan, Kajian Islam Dan …, 2023
An autonomous mobile robot platform for medical purpose
CHAHB Baskoro, HM Saputra, M Mirdanies, V Susanti, MF Radzi, ...
2020 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and …, 2020
Imu application in measurement of vehicle position and orientation for controlling a pan-tilt mechanism
HM Saputra, Z Abidin, E Rijanto
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 4 (1), 41-50, 2013
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Mekanisme Pelacakan Matahari Beserta Fasilitas Telekontrol Hemat Energi
M Mirdanies, RA Ardiansyah, HM Saputra, AS Nugraha, E Rijanto, ...
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 2 (1), 31-40, 2012
Analysis the conceptual understanding level and understanding model of pre-service physics teacher
H Saputra, D Mustika
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 8 (5), 2367-2372, 2022
Pre-service teacher’s physics attitude towards physics laboratory in Aceh
H Saputra, A Suhandi, A Setiawan, A Permanasari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1521 (2), 022029, 2020
Trajectory scenario control for the remotely operated mobile robot LIPI platform based on energy consumption analysis
RP Saputra, E Rijanto, HM Saputra
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 7 (8), 851-866, 2012
Three axis deviation analysis of CNC milling machine
DG Subagio, RA Subekti, HM Saputra, A Rajani, KH Sanjaya
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2 …, 2019
Implementation of fuzzy logic control system on rotary car parking system prototype
N Ismail, I Nursalim, HM Saputra, TS Gunawan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS …, 2018
Modified fourth-order runge-kutta method based on trapezoid approach
A Nurhakim, N Ismail, HM Saputra, S Uyun
2018 4th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-5, 2018
Pemikiran Musdah Mulia Tentang Kepemimpinan Politik Perempuan
H Saputra
Manthiq 1 (2), 2016
Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
A Hartanto, V Susanti, RA Subekti, HM Saputra, E Rijanto, A Hapid
LIPI, Bandung, 2012
Kebijakan Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan di Provinsi Jawa Barat
V Susanti, A Hartanto, RA Subekti, HM Saputra
LIPI Press, 2011
Kebijakan Teknis Konversi BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
RA Subekti, A Hartanto, HM Saputra, V Susanti
LIPI Press, 2011
Kebijakan Nasional Program Konversi dari BBM ke BBG untuk Kendaraan
V Susanti, A Hartanto, RA Subekti, HM Saputra
LIPI Press, 2011
Azimuth estimation based on generalized cross correlation phase transform (gcc-phat) using equilateral triangle microphone array
HAHBB Catur, HM Saputra
2019 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and …, 2019
Rancang Bangun Umpan Balik Eksternal untuk Kendali Sudut Motor Servo Berbasis Arduino
HM Saputra, TA Pambudi, DG Subagjo
Jurnal Teknologi Bahan dan Barang Teknik 6 (2), 43-48, 2016
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Articles 1–20