Shaun M Davidson
Shaun M Davidson
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford
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Pulse arrival time as a surrogate of blood pressure
E Finnegan, S Davidson, M Harford, J Jorge, P Watkinson, D Young, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 22767, 2021
Features from the photoplethysmogram and the electrocardiogram for estimating changes in blood pressure
E Finnegan, S Davidson, M Harford, P Watkinson, L Tarassenko, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 986, 2023
Pre-ejection period, the reason why the electrocardiogram Q-wave is an unreliable indicator of pulse wave initialization
J Balmer, C Pretty, S Davidson, T Desaive, S Kamoi, A Pironet, ...
Physiological measurement 39 (9), 095005, 2018
Clinical Utilisation of Respiratory Elastance (CURE): Pilot trials for the optimisation of mechanical ventilation settings for the critically Ill
SM Davidson, DP Redmond, H Laing, R White, F Radzi, YS Chiew, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 8403-8408, 2014
Vital-sign circadian rhythms in patients prior to discharge from an ICU: a retrospective observational analysis of routinely recorded physiological data
S Davidson, M Villarroel, M Harford, E Finnegan, J Jorge, D Young, ...
Critical Care 24, 1-13, 2020
3D kernel-density stochastic model for more personalized glycaemic control: development and in-silico validation
V Uyttendaele, JL Knopp, S Davidson, T Desaive, B Benyo, GM Shaw, ...
Biomedical engineering online 18, 1-18, 2019
Improved pressure contour analysis for estimating cardiac stroke volume using pulse wave velocity measurement
S Kamoi, C Pretty, J Balmer, S Davidson, A Pironet, T Desaive, GM Shaw, ...
Biomedical engineering online 16, 1-19, 2017
Postpartum-specific vital sign reference ranges
LJ Green, R Pullon, LH Mackillop, S Gerry, J Birks, D Salvi, S Davidson, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 137 (2), 295-304, 2021
Day-to-day progression of vital-sign circadian rhythms in the intensive care unit
S Davidson, M Villarroel, M Harford, E Finnegan, J Jorge, D Young, ...
Critical Care 25, 1-13, 2021
Non-contact assessment of peripheral artery haemodynamics using infrared video thermography
J Jorge, M Harford, M Villarroel, S Chaichulee, S Davidson, E Finnegan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (1), 276-288, 2020
Patient-specific monitoring and trend analysis of model-based markers of fluid responsiveness in sepsis: a proof-of-concept animal study
L Murphy, S Davidson, JG Chase, JL Knopp, T Zhou, T Desaive
Annals of biomedical engineering 48 (2), 682-694, 2020
Minimally invasive, patient specific, beat-by-beat estimation of left ventricular time varying elastance
S Davidson, C Pretty, A Pironet, S Kamoi, J Balmer, T Desaive, JG Chase
Biomedical engineering online 16, 1-19, 2017
Clinically applicable model-based method, for physiologically accurate flow waveform and stroke volume estimation
J Balmer, CG Pretty, S Davidson, T Mehta-Wilson, T Desaive, R Smith, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 185, 105125, 2020
Multi-input stochastic prediction of insulin sensitivity for tight glycaemic control using insulin sensitivity and blood glucose data
S Davidson, C Pretty, V Uyttendaele, J Knopp, T Desaive, JG Chase
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 182, 105043, 2019
Br J Gen Pract
R Armitage, S Davidson, A Mahdi
Relationship between stroke volume and pulse wave velocity
S Kamoi, C Pretty, YS Chiew, S Davidson, A Pironet, T Desaive, GM Shaw, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (20), 285-290, 2015
Real-time breath-to-breath asynchrony event detection using time-varying respiratory elastance model
SF Poole, YS Chiew, DP Redmond, SM Davidson, NS Damanhuri, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 5629-5634, 2014
Diagnosing hypertension in primary care: a retrospective cohort study to investigate the importance of night-time blood pressure assessment
LC Armitage, S Davidson, A Mahdi, M Harford, R McManus, A Farmer, ...
The British Journal of General Practice 73 (726), e16, 2022
Minimally invasive model based stressed blood volume as an index of fluid responsiveness
LF Murphy, JG Chase, SM Davidson, R Smith, T Desaive
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 16257-16262, 2020
State analysis of total stressed blood volume and arterial elastance during induced sepsis
L Murphy, S Davidson, JL Knopp, JG Chase, T Zhou, T Desaive
2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2019
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Articles 1–20