Kate Allen
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Cited by
Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
SS Lim, K Allen, ZA Bhutta, L Dandona, MH Forouzanfar, N Fullman, ...
The Lancet 388 (10053), 1813-1850, 2016
A food policy package for healthy diets and the prevention of obesity and diet‐related non‐communicable diseases: the NOURISHING framework
C Hawkes, J Jewell, K Allen
Obesity reviews 14, 159-168, 2013
COVID-19: Rapid antigen detection for SARS-CoV-2 by lateral flow assay: A national systematic evaluation of sensitivity and specificity for mass-testing
T Peto, D Affron, B Afrough, A Agasu, M Ainsworth, A Allanson, K Allen, ...
EClinicalMedicine 36, 2021
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between flow states and performance
DJ Harris, KL Allen, SJ Vine, MR Wilson
International review of sport and exercise psychology 16 (1), 693-721, 2023
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme in primary school children: results of the STARS cluster randomised …
T Ford, R Hayes, S Byford, V Edwards, M Fletcher, S Logan, B Norwich, ...
Psychological medicine 49 (5), 828-842, 2019
Visual narrative: A technique to enhance secondary students’ contribution to the development of inclusive, socially just school environments–lessons from a box of crayons
S Carrington, K Allen, D Osmolowski
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 7 (1), 8-15, 2007
The Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme and its impact on teachers’ professional self‐efficacy, work‐related stress, and general well‐being: Results from …
R Hayes, D Titheradge, K Allen, M Allwood, S Byford, V Edwards, ...
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (2), 330-348, 2020
Psychological distress among primary school teachers: a comparison with clinical and population samples
D Titheradge, R Hayes, B Longdon, K Allen, A Price, L Hansford, E Nye, ...
Public health 166, 53-56, 2019
‘How I feel about my school’: the construction and validation of a measure of wellbeing at school for primary school children
K Allen, R Marlow, V Edwards, C Parker, L Rodgers, OC Ukoumunne, ...
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 23 (1), 25-41, 2018
Tales of diversity: Genomic and morphological characteristics of forty-six Arthrobacter phages
KK Klyczek, JA Bonilla, D Jacobs-Sera, TL Adair, P Afram, KG Allen, ...
PLoS One 12 (7), e0180517, 2017
Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of the Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme on their practice and on the social and emotional …
K Allen, L Hansford, R Hayes, M Allwood, S Byford, B Longdon, A Price, ...
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90, 75-90, 2020
Physical activity and health-related quality of life in women with breast cancer: a meta-analysis
D Aune, G Markozannes, L Abar, K Balducci, M Cariolou, N Nanu, ...
JNCI cancer spectrum 6 (6), pkac072, 2022
Characteristics of palatal instability in T horoughbred racehorses and their association with the development of dorsal displacement of the soft palate
K Allen, S Franklin
Equine Veterinary Journal 45 (4), 454-459, 2013
Postdiagnosis body fatness, weight change and breast cancer prognosis: Global Cancer Update Program (CUP global) systematic literature review and meta‐analysis
DSM Chan, R Vieira, L Abar, D Aune, K Balducci, M Cariolou, ...
International Journal of Cancer 152 (4), 572-599, 2023
Postdiagnosis recreational physical activity and breast cancer prognosis: Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta‐analysis
M Cariolou, L Abar, D Aune, K Balducci, N Becerra‐Tomás, ...
International Journal of Cancer 152 (4), 600-615, 2023
Postdiagnosis dietary factors, supplement use and breast cancer prognosis: Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global) systematic literature review and meta‐analysis
N Becerra‐Tomás, K Balducci, L Abar, D Aune, M Cariolou, ...
International Journal of Cancer 152 (4), 616-634, 2023
Conflicts of interest and the UN high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases
P Lincoln, P Rundall, B Jeffery, G Kellett, T Lobstein, L Lhotska, K Allen, ...
The Lancet 378 (9804), e6, 2011
RAO and IAD: respiratory disease in horses revisited
K Allen, S Franklin
In practice 29 (2), 76-85, 2007
A memory clinic for older people with intellectual disabilities
A Hassiotis, A Strydom, K Allen, Z Walker
Aging & Mental Health 7 (6), 418-423, 2003
Training teachers in classroom management to improve mental health in primary school children: the STARS cluster RCT
T Ford, R Hayes, S Byford, V Edwards, M Fletcher, S Logan, B Norwich, ...
Public Health Research 7 (6), 1-150, 2019
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Articles 1–20