עקוב אחר
Avishai Henik
Avishai Henik
כתובת אימייל מאומתת בדומיין bgu.ac.il - דף הבית
צוטט על ידי
צוטט על ידי
Perceptual organization and attention
D Kahneman, A Henik
Perceptual organization, 181-211, 2017
Suppression situations in psychological research: Definitions, implications, and applications.
J Tzelgov, A Henik
Psychological bulletin 109 (3), 524, 1991
Is three greater than five: The relation between physical and semantic size in comparison tasks
A Henik, J Tzelgov
Memory & cognition 10, 389-395, 1982
From “sense of number” to “sense of magnitude”: The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition
T Leibovich, N Katzin, M Harel, A Henik
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, e164, 2017
Competition between endogenous and exogenous orienting of visual attention.
A Berger, A Henik, R Rafal
Journal of experimental psychology: General 134 (2), 207, 2005
Developmental dyscalculia: Heterogeneity might not mean different mechanisms
O Rubinsten, A Henik
Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (2), 92-99, 2009
Automatic and intentional processing of numerical information.
J Tzelgov, J Meyer, A Henik
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 18 (1), 166, 1992
Controlling Stroop effects by manipulating expectations for color words
J Tzelgov, A Henik, J Berger
Memory & cognition 20, 727-735, 1992
Notation-dependent and-independent representations of numbers in the parietal lobes
RC Kadosh, KC Kadosh, A Kaas, A Henik, R Goebel
Neuron 53 (2), 307-314, 2007
Inhibition of return in spatial attention: Direct evidence for collicular generation
A Sapir, N Soroker, A Berger, A Henik
Nature neuroscience 2 (12), 1053-1054, 1999
Multidisciplinary perspectives on attention and the development of self-regulation
A Berger, O Kofman, U Livneh, A Henik
Progress in neurobiology 82 (5), 256-286, 2007
Are numbers special?: The comparison systems of the human brain investigated by fMRI
RC Kadosh, A Henik, O Rubinsten, H Mohr, H Dori, V Van De Ven, ...
Neuropsychologia 43 (9), 1238-1248, 2005
The development of internal representations of magnitude and their association with Arabic numerals
O Rubinsten, A Henik, A Berger, S Shahar-Shalev
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 81 (1), 74-92, 2002
Virtual dyscalculia induced by parietal-lobe TMS impairs automatic magnitude processing
RC Kadosh, KC Kadosh, T Schuhmann, A Kaas, R Goebel, A Henik, ...
Current Biology 17 (8), 689-693, 2007
The neurology of inhibition: Integrating controlled and automatic processes.
R Rafal, A Henik
Academic Press, 1994
Meta-analyses of developmental fMRI studies investigating typical and atypical trajectories of number processing and calculation
L Kaufmann, G Wood, O Rubinsten, A Henik
Developmental neuropsychology 36 (6), 763-787, 2011
Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective
L Kaufmann, MM Mazzocco, A Dowker, M von Aster, SM Göbel, ...
Frontiers in psychology 4, 516, 2013
Controlling Stroop interference: Evidence from a bilingual task.
J Tzelgov, A Henik, D Leiser
Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 16 (5), 760, 1990
Preliminary evidence of reduced cognitive inhibition in methamphetamine-dependent individuals
R Salo, TE Nordahl, K Possin, M Leamon, DR Gibson, GP Galloway, ...
Psychiatry research 111 (1), 65-74, 2002
Automatic activation of internal magnitudes: a study of developmental dyscalculia.
O Rubinsten, A Henik
Neuropsychology 19 (5), 641, 2005
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