Professor of Physics, University of Ilorin
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Rain attenuation statistics from rain cell diameters and heights
GH Bryant, I Adimula, C Riva, G Brussaard
International journal of satellite Communications 19 (3), 263-283, 2001
Signature of the 29 March 2006 eclipse on the ionosphere over an equatorial station
JO Adeniyi, SM Radicella, IA Adimula, AA Willoughby, OA Oladipo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 112 (A6), 2007
Variations in raindrop size distribution and specific attenuation due to rain in Nigeria
IA Adimula, GO Ajayi
Annals of Telecommunications 51 (1), 87-93, 1996
Equatorial vertical plasma drift velocities and electron densities inferred from ground-based ionosonde measurements during low solar activity
BO Adebesin, JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula, BW Reinisch
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 97, 58-64, 2013
A new index to monitor temporal and long-term variations of the equatorial electrojet by MAGDAS/CPMN real-time data: EE-Index
T Uozumi, K Yumoto, K Kitamura, S Abe, Y Kakinami, M Shinohara, ...
Earth, planets and space 60, 785-790, 2008
Ground magnetic effects of the equatorial electrojet simulated by the TIE‐GCM driven by TIMED satellite data
Y Yamazaki, AD Richmond, A Maute, Q Wu, DA Ortland, A Yoshikawa, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (4), 3150-3161, 2014
Assessment of IRI and IRI‐Plas models over the African equatorial and low‐latitude region
SJ Adebiyi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, BW Joshua
Journal of geophysical research: space physics 121 (7), 7287-7300, 2016
GPS derived TEC and foF2 variability at an equatorial station and the performance of IRI-model
SJ Adebiyi, OO Odeyemi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, SO Ikubanni, ...
Advances in Space Research 54 (4), 565-575, 2014
Variations of surface radio refractivity and radio refractive index gradients in the Sub-Sahel
KC Igwe, IA Adimula
The Nigerian Journal of Space Research (NJSR), Vol. 6, pp. 135-144, 2009
F2 layer characteristics and electrojet strength over an equatorial station
BO Adebesin, JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula, BW Reinisch, K Yumoto
Advances in Space Research 52 (5), 791-800, 2013
Total electron content and magnetic field intensity over Ilorin, Nigeria
OS Bolaji, JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula, SM Radicella, PH Doherty
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 98, 1-11, 2013
Low latitude nighttime ionospheric vertical EŚ B drifts at African region
BO Adebesin, JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula, BW Reinisch
Advances in Space Research 52 (12), 2226-2237, 2013
Characterisation of GPS-TEC in the African equatorial and low latitude region and the regional evaluation of the IRI model
SJ Adebiyi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 143, 53-70, 2016
Comparison between African equatorial station ground-based inferred vertical EŚ B drift, Jicamarca direct measured drift, and IRI model
JO Adeniyi, BO Adebesin, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, AO Olawepo, ...
Advances in Space Research 54 (8), 1629-1641, 2014
Ionospheric response to the storm-time disturbance of 29 May, 2010
BW Joshua, JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, OA Olawepo, SJ Adebiyi
Advances in Space Research 53 (2), 219-225, 2014
Ionospheric response to magnetic activity at low and mid-latitude stations
SJ Adebiyi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, BW Joshua, BO Adebesin, ...
Acta Geophysica 62, 973-989, 2014
Effects of rain on microwave and satellite communications in equatorial and tropical regions
IA Adimula, O Falaiye, A Willoughby
Nigerian Journal of Physics 17 (1), 66-71, 2005
Effects of aerosols loading in the atmosphere on the visibility changes in Ilorin, Nigeria
IA Adimula, OA Falaiye, CL Adindu
Centre Point Sci. Edit 16, 15-23, 2008
Comparing the F2-layer model of IRI with observations at Ibadan
JO Adeniyi, IA Adimula
Advances in Space Research 15 (2), 141-144, 1995
Simultaneous response of NmF2 and GPS-TEC to storm events at Ilorin
BW Joshua, JO Adeniyi, OA Oladipo, PH Doherty, IA Adimula, ...
Advances in Space Research 61 (12), 2904-2913, 2018
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Articles 1–20