Alex Beatson
Alex Beatson
Redesign Science
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Amortized Bayesian meta-learning
S Ravi, A Beatson
ICLR 2019, 2018
Continual Learning in Generative Adversarial Nets
A Seff, A Beatson, D Suo, H Liu
arXiv preprint, 2017
The Clinical Utilisation of Respiratory Elastance Software (CURE Soft): a bedside software for real-time respiratory mechanics monitoring and mechanical ventilation management
A Szlavecz, YS Chiew, D Redmond, A Beatson, D Glassenbury, S Corbett, ...
Biomedical engineering online 13, 1-14, 2014
A data-driven computational scheme for the nonlinear mechanical properties of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation
T Xue, A Beatson, M Chiaramonte, G Roeder, JT Ash, Y Menguc, ...
Soft matter 16 (32), 7524-7534, 2020
Amortized finite element analysis for fast pde-constrained optimization
T Xue, A Beatson, S Adriaenssens, R Adams
International Conference on Machine Learning, 10638-10647, 2020
Respiratory mechanics assessment for reverse-triggered breathing cycles using pressure reconstruction
V Major, S Corbett, D Redmond, A Beatson, D Glassenbury, YS Chiew, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 23, 1-9, 2016
Randomized automatic differentiation
D Oktay, N McGreivy, J Aduol, A Beatson, RP Adams
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.10412, 2020
SUMO: Unbiased Estimation of Log Marginal Probability for Latent Variable Models
Y Luo, A Beatson, M Norouzi, J Zhu, D Duvenaud, RP Adams, RTQ Chen
ICLR 2020, 2019
Efficient optimization of loops and limits with randomized telescoping sums
A Beatson, RP Adams
ICML 2019, 2019
Learning Composable Energy Surrogates for PDE Order Reduction
A Beatson, JT Ash, G Roeder, T Xue, RP Adams
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.06549, 2020
Automated logging of inspiratory and expiratory non-synchronized breathing (ALIEN) for mechanical ventilation
YS Chiew, CG Pretty, A Beatson, D Glassenbury, V Major, S Corbett, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Pixie: a social chatbot
O Adewale, A Beatson, D Buniatyan, J Ge, M Khodak, H Lee, N Prasad, ...
Alexa prize proceedings, 2017
Pressure reconstruction by eliminating the demand effect of spontaneous respiration (PREDATOR) method for assessing respiratory mechanics of reverse-triggered breathing cycles
DP Redmond, V Major, S Corbett, D Glassenbury, A Beatson, A Szlávecz, ...
2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 332-337, 2014
Meta-pde: Learning to solve pdes quickly without a mesh
T Qin, A Beatson, D Oktay, N McGreivy, RP Adams
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01604, 2022
Assessing respiratory mechanics of reverse-triggered breathing cycles-case study of two mechanically ventilated patients
V Major, C Simon, D Redmond, A Beatson, D Glassenbury, YS Chiew, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (20), 505-510, 2015
Blind attacks on machine learners
A Beatson, Z Wang, H Liu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016
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Articles 1–16