Christopher M. Murphy
Christopher M. Murphy
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
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Psychological aggression predicts physical aggression in early marriage.
CM Murphy, KD O'Leary
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 57 (5), 579, 1989
The effectiveness of intervention programs for perpetrators and victims of intimate partner violence
CI Eckhardt, CM Murphy, DJ Whitaker, J Sprunger, R Dykstra, K Woodard
Partner abuse 4 (2), 196-231, 2013
Interspousal aggression, marital discord, and child problems.
EN Jouriles, CM Murphy, KD O'Leary
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 57 (3), 453, 1989
Measuring emotional abuse in dating relationships as a multifactorial construct
CM Murphy, SA Hoover
Violence and victims 14 (1), 39-53, 1999
Marital adjustment, parental disagreements about child rearing, and behavior problems in boys: Increasing the specificity of the marital assessment
EN Jouriles, CM Murphy, AM Farris, DA Smith, JE Richters, E Waters
Child development 62 (6), 1424-1433, 1991
Marital violence before and after alcoholism treatment.
TJ O'Farrell, CM Murphy
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63 (2), 256, 1995
The roles of religion and spirituality among African American survivors of domestic violence
CG Watlington, CM Murphy
Journal of clinical psychology 62 (7), 837-857, 2006
Motivating batterers to change in the treatment context
CM Murphy, VA Baxter
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 12 (4), 607-619, 1997
Partner violence before and after couples-based alcoholism treatment for male alcoholic patients: the role of treatment involvement and abstinence.
TJ O'Farrell, CM Murphy, SH Stephan, W Fals-Stewart, M Murphy
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 72 (2), 202, 2004
Dependency characteristics of partner assaultive men.
CM Murphy, SL Meyer, KD O'Leary
Journal of abnormal psychology 103 (4), 729, 1994
Treating the abusive partner: An individualized cognitive-behavioral approach
CM Murphy, CI Eckhardt
Guilford Press, 2005
Process and treatment adherence factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men.
CT Taft, CM Murphy, DW King, PH Musser, JM DeDeyn
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 71 (4), 812, 2003
Partner violence before and after individually based alcoholism treatment for male alcoholic patients.
TJ O'Farrell, W Fals-Stewart, M Murphy, CM Murphy
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71 (1), 92, 2003
Examining the correlates of psychological aggression among a community sample of couples.
CT Taft, TJ O'Farrell, SE Torres, J Panuzio, CM Monson, M Murphy, ...
Journal of Family Psychology 20 (4), 581, 2006
Domestic violence before and after alcoholism treatment: a two-year longitudinal study.
TJ O'Farrell, V Van Hutton, CM Murphy
Journal of Studies on Alcohol 60 (3), 317-321, 1999
Coordinated community intervention for domestic abusers: Intervention system involvement and criminal recidivism
CM Murphy, PH Musser, KI Maton
Journal of Family Violence 13, 263-284, 1998
Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States
J Babcock, N Armenti, C Cannon, K Lauve-Moon, F Buttell, R Ferreira, ...
Partner abuse 7 (4), 355-460, 2016
Correlates of intimate partner violence among male alcoholic patients.
CM Murphy, TJ O'Farrell, W Fals-Stewart, M Feehan
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69 (3), 528, 2001
Stages and processes of change in batterers' treatment
JW Daniels, CM Murphy
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 4 (1), 123-145, 1997
Personality, interpersonal, and motivational predictors of the working alliance in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men.
CT Taft, CM Murphy, PH Musser, NA Remington
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 72 (2), 349, 2004
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